Sweater weather is here
Autumn shades and textured fabrics
Come out
Not yet frigid
No longer hot
Light linens
back in the closet
Warm knits
of bold earth tones
soft to the touch
come out
In between the heat of summer
and the frigid cold of winter
my favorite characters wore in film
Sally's hat and blazers
in When Harry Met Sally Hermione's Hogwarts uniform
Jo and the March's sister's
Lace up boots and tiered skirts
Annie's tie vest and pants in Annie Hall
Kathleen's pencil skirts and jumper's dresses
in You've got mail
Duffel coats and green jumpers the boys
wore in dead poets society
the Cardigans and Peter Pan collars in
School of Rock
The Hiking outfit a Pilgrim wore in The way
denim jacket in Reality bites
these are the Autumn fashion
that will stand the test of time