Thankful for the food on my table
I made with my hands
Not just to nourish our bodies
Or give us strength and energy
But to savor the autumn flavors
The season brings
Our home is filled
With autumn scents of
Cinnamon, pecans
Cranberries and herbs
The turkey is carved
The food is warm
As my husband, daughter and I
Gather around the table
With fresh autumn flowers
To say our thanksgiving prayer
It dawned on me
That our family always knew
that it's never the things
That mattered most.
I am grateful for my family
A husband whom I always have
Mutual love and respect
A daughter to care for and nurture
who gives me joy and energy
Parents who taught me
Nieces, nephews to play with
sister and in- laws
Near and far
Genuine friends
Who will never mistake
My life or character
For someone else's
I am thankful for
my home that shelters us
From the storm
A job that is meaningful
And hobbies that give pleasure
These are all gifts
From my Creator
Thankful for everyone I met along the way
Even if they're credulous or cunning
For the challenges they bring
Made me count my blessings
From our family to yours,
Happy Thanksgiving.