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artist in focus: Leonard Cohen's music

I'm neither Jewish nor Canadian.

But I listen to Leonard Cohen and other 1960s band

I did not grow up listening to these sounds

Or know anyone who listened

To I'm your man or Suzanne

In Barclay's center I finally met the man

In black suit and Fedora hat

He was 78 years old

His husky voice

Filled the dark room

I've heard his songs

Recorded in his youth

Covered by other artists

young and old

But nothing comes close

To listening to an old man

recite his own poems and

sing his heart out

It was a great privilege to watch him in concert

For he passed away years later

And that moment will never be repeated

Everything in this life is indeed transient

So make the most out of it

As more people get vaccinated


We can gather again and watch concerts

For video and radio just can't truly capture

The whole story and energy of a live music


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