Waking up early before the day breaks
To the sounds of silence
Before the sun rises
She tied the shoe laces of her boots,
Grabbed her backpack
She stepped out into the door into the dark
Guided only by a headlight
There was no sound
Other than the howling of the wind
There was hesitation
But there was this sensation
That one was enveloped in comfort
Like in a cocoon
Fear turned into just a thought
No longer a sensation
She took a step
Fear is a natural self defense
to protect us from harm and danger
How beautiful the brain is
to give us all the sensation we need
eyes that see the signs
ears that hear the heart beat
skin that feels the gentle kisses,
warm cup of coffee in the hand
and cool wind blowing on the faces
tongue that make us taste all kinds flavors
nose that smell
the scents of Lilacs blooming in May
These sensations are our defenses